The Let's Play Archive


by Quackles

Part 47: Story: What Is This?

What Is This?

The PGA33X6 looks like nothing so much as a checkerboard, in my opinion. Some digging did turn up a datasheet for it, and I am normally pretty good at reading datasheets and so on...

buu-uuut, well, let's just say I don't think I'm going to be making much headway understanding this one.


So, I'm leaving it to my readers. Can anyone make head or tail of this?

Ratoslov posted:

Also, please keep us posted with updates on your new anime. It sounds pretty fun.

Oh, it's a live-action show!
When I said the special effects were amazing, this was what I meant. I'm sure there's some outtakes somewhere of the lead actress in a fake tail / motion capture rig / I-don't-know-what, knocking things over.